
技术越先进,责任越大. Pastor Doug尚德 shares the basics about threats to your child’s safety while using technology, 以及你能做些什么来预防它们.

作为家长,科技是非常非常吓人的. 你的孩子可能比你更了解科技,对吧? They know how to download games on the iPad and use face filters on social media, 与此同时,你很难用两个手指输入一条短信. 科技可以带来很多乐趣. 但问题是, 就像在现实世界中一样, there are safe and unsafe things in the online world that your children may not be aware of. 作为父母,我们有责任让他们意识到这一点.

技术是一种工具. 它实际上是一个道德中立的工具. 把它想象成一辆汽车——汽车本身并不危险, 这完全取决于驾驶者. You would never let your kids get in a car and drive without any training or guidance, right? 我们应该以同样的方式训练我们的孩子适应信息高速公路. 与其让你的家人远离科技,不如让他们做好准备. Because, like it or not, it’s a part of our world and it doesn’t seem to be going away any time soon.

圣经在箴言22:6中说, “教养孩童,使他走当行的道, 即使他老了,他也不会离开.“我们可以做到这一点的一种方法是接种. Inoculation means to give someone a little bit of something bad to help protect them from greater future harm, 有点像疫苗. 那么在技术方面是怎样的呢? It looks like having real conversations with your kids about the content and the threats that are there—being open with them and not freaking out when they’re open with you. It involves you deliberately exposing your kids to the kind of pressures they’ll be exposed to later in life, 但是在安全的家庭环境里. Here are just a few things you can discuss with your kids to help them make safe choices while using technology.


不是互联网上的一切都是真的. 当然,这对你来说可能是显而易见的,但对你的孩子来说却不是! 创造内容的自由是互联网的双刃剑. 任何人都可以扑灭任何东西. Children need to be taught how to filter information and identify reliable sources.

Information posted online, including social networking sites, lasts forever. Many jobs and and even colleges have added reviewing a candidate’s social media profiles to their vetting process. 你应该对你选择张贴的东西保持明智.

回想过去, 如果你生某人的气, you had to pick up the phone and call them and talk to them or write a letter. Now, 你可以让全世界都知道你不开心,只要按一下按钮, 在你说话之前没有真正的处理和思考. The barrier that technology creates may make you forget you’re interacting with humans, 有感情的人. A good rule of thumb, if you wouldn’t say it to someone’s face, don’t say it online. 记住,生与死都掌握在舌头的手中.

消极的内容会试图找到你. The average age of unintentional exposure to pornography is between ages 8 and 11. 色情 is a multi-billion dollar industry—it does not profit from being discreet. 它从激发好奇心中获利. One naive Google search or enticing pop-up can potentially lead to a lifelong struggle with pornography addiction.

网络钓鱼是一种骗取你信息的欺诈手段. You’d be surprised how little information someone needs to clear out your bank account or steal your identity. If you receive an email from someone you don’t know it could be a fraudster trying to get your personal information. Always look at the email address domain (email@domain) to verify whether the email is legitimate or not.

不幸的是,责任并不止于此. Sexting, 网上征集, and other inappropriate exchanges are prevalent online and should also be discussed. If you’re reading this—and you’re thinking, Man, this is just so overwhelming—don’t be discouraged. There are some really basic things you can do to help safeguard your family.
  1. 不要让你的孩子独自面对科技产品.
    这是如此简单和有效. Keep the computer or laptop in a shared space and don’t let your young children use smartphones or tablets without supervision.

  2. 使用过滤器.
    You can adjust settings on web browsers and search engines to filter out specific content. This takes very little time and effort but could make all the difference in what your child is exposed to.

  3. 采用监察系统.
    There are really great monitoring systems available that give parents access to the family’s online activity so that you can hold your children accountable. 5th–12th grade students at Calvary Christian Academy are given Chromebooks to use in school that they can take home for class projects. “...我们为每台Chromebook配置了一个程序来提供家庭过滤, 使用控制, 以及为父母提供的网络活动跟踪,CCA技术总监说, 里克•盖尔. “We did not want to put an internet-enabled device in the hands of students without providing parents with the tools to effectively manage their child’s access to the internet. We (CCA) set a base policy for filtration of adult content and other inappropriate content. Parents then have the ability to tighten the policy depending on their preference and the age of the child. They can also set time restrictions so that the internet is not accessible after a certain time, 并查看互联网活动的完整列表.” This list gives you a breakdown of the best systems available in 2020 for parent use.

最重要的是教育你的孩子. 因为技术总是在变化, 你需要保持信息灵通,及时处理新的发展. 让这个话题随着孩子的成长而不断发展! 技术越先进,责任越大, but don’t be intimidated. By having an open conversation with your children you can help them learn how to navigate technology and make wise decisions.


Doug尚德 served as the President of 4KIDS of South Florida and is currently the lead pastor at 劳德代尔堡各各他教堂. 他和他的妻子有三个儿子,他们都就读于CCA.



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